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Embed Data Center Solutions Data Center Solutions. • Data Center SolutionsData Center Solutions G raybar D ata Center Solutions 1-800-G RAYB A R graybar.com 71229_Covers.indd 1 4/9/07 11:23:36 PM • Data centers in the telecommunications industry have traditionally been viewed as the central location for the data-carrying network and voice system or network. While this still holds true, in recent years the data center has evolved into a much more sophisticated portion of the building infrastructure. The data center contains the information backbone of a business comprised of the Network–Critical Physical Infrastructure, or NCPI. The NCPI is made up of several elements such as cabling, power, racks and physical structure, cooling, re, security and safety, management systems and services. While containing such critical elements of the building infrastructure, the data center must be designed to respond to growth as well as advances in equipment, standards and bandwidth demands while still maintaining reliability and manageability.
The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) recently released the TIA/EIA–942 standard. Soul Arena Hack Reiatsu Meme. This is viewed as a major breakthrough for the telecom industry, in that it provides speci cations for data center telecommunications, cabling, pathways and spaces.
The standard deals primarily with telecommunications, but a large part of this document deals with other facility requirements. A major portion of the data center is the data- carrying network. At the heart of this data network is the cabling system. Logitech Scanman 256 Manually here. Companies today are focusing more attention on their cabling systems from the data center, to the of ce, to the factory oor in order to prevent downtime and slowness due to lack of headroom and performance margin while maximizing their network investment. With this in mind, the cabling system and infrastructure has to be designed to accommodate growth and redundancy. Downtime due to infrastructure changes is far too costly in today’s business environment.