2 Most Dangerous Habits Of Young Drivers
An analysis of states based on safety and insurance cost factors shows that Maryland, New York and Pennsylvania have the safest driving environment for teens, while Montana, North Dakota and Kansas have the worst. Getting your license is a rite of passage for teens, but that privilege comes with responsibility. As teens get ready for the summer, CarInsurance.com looked at teen driver safety and insurance costs by state to see which states are the safest for teen drivers. We ran the numbers and found that the safest driving environments for teens are in: • Maryland • New York • Pennsylvania • Connecticut • Massachusetts. On the flip side, the states with the worst numbers are: • Montana (51) • North Dakota (50) • Kansas (49) • Wyoming (48) • Alabama (47) This is the second year that CarInsurance. Modern Malayalam Fonts Free Download. com performed this analysis. Maryland and Massachusetts are the only states from last year's top three to again make the top three this year (Massachusetts and Alaska were first and third respectively last year). Montana and North Dakota are again the bottom two states this year.
The first six months after getting a license are the most dangerous times and the risk remains high during the first year. In fact, until drivers turn 25, their crash risk remains two to three times higher than for adults.3 Parenting and practice are two keys to keeping young drivers safe on the road. A majority of teens says parents. The percentage of teens in high school who drink and drive has decreased by more than half since 1991,* but more can be done. Nearly one million high school teens drank alcohol and got behind the wheel in 2011. Teen drivers are 3 times more likely than more experienced drivers to be in a fatal crash. Free bad habits papers, essays, and research papers.

Last year, Louisiana joined them as third from the bottom. The analysis comes at a time when the latest numbers from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) show an increase in the number of teen driver-related fatal accidents. The 2015 figures show that young drivers were involved in 1,886 fatal accidents. This is a 9 percent jump from 2014 (1,886 vs.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003 Pc Скачать. Teen drivers were also involved in 14 percent more crashes in 2015, according to the NHTSA. Despite those sobering figures, young driver fatalities are still much lower than a decade ago. The NHTSA said fatal crashes involving young drivers dropped 43 percent from 2006 to 2015.
That's an encouraging trend despite the alarming 2015 figures. States that could reduce the fatal crash rate for teens by 44% or more if they adopted stricter GDL laws Drunken driving Drunken driving leads to more accidents, and it's a problem among teens even though they are not at the legal drinking age yet. Activate Dicom Editing Osirix Free.
GHSA estimates that 10 percent of young teens and 20 percent of older teens involved in fatal crashes had blood alcohol levels of.01 percent of higher. This is especially a problem for males. GHSA said male teens were twice as lightly to have a blood alcohol level of.08 percent than teen females. Teen males are also less likely to wear a seatbelt. 'Teen males can be a hard group to reach, but the report cites evidence that one of the best ways to message this audience is through key influencers like musicians and athletes,' says Macek.
Here's how states rank regarding percentage of high school students age 16 and over who reported drinking and driving in a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention survey. • jetcityjewel Unless I missed it I didn't see any mention of access to driver instruction in the teen years. In our state it is mandatory (Washington) to even be able to access the benefits of GDL to 'practice' at driving. But at 18 you take the test and get a license with or without professional driver's ed, which used to be something done in schools. It has since been dropped by most schools - budget cuts/liability being most often cited as reasons. But it was a program that targeted the group needing it most efficiently and effectively.