Richard Simmons Deal A Meal Program For Sale
The listing, Deal-A-Meal Cards (Richard Simmons) has ended. Do you remember this program? Richard Simmons sponsored the program called 'Deal-A-Meal'. Lime Wire Pro 4 16 Cracked Wheat. It REALLY works as a lifestyle change / Healthy eating / weight loss program. Nothing works if you do it for a week and go back to what wasn't working before. Be committed to making the change and you CAN do this. 'Deal-A-Meal was developed by well-known weight loss and fitness personality Richard Simmons.
Simmons was a pudgy child who continued to fight his own battle of the bulge as an adult. He swapped fad diets for a healthy eating and exercise plan. To help himself keep track of his daily food intake, he created a packet of cards, which he kept in a plastic wallet, according to 'As Seen on TV,' by Lou Harry and Sam Stall.
Richard Simmons Deal A Meal for Sale, we feature discounted Richard Simmons Deal A Meal up to 75% off retail on our site. The Texarkana Gazette is the premier source for local news and sports in Texarkana and the surrounding Arklatex areas.

The cards listed the items and portions of the various food groups that he allotted himself each day. Each time he ate a portion, he transferred the card representing it from one side of his wallet to the other.
He quit eating that day when all the cards were gone.' Includes cards for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Snack ideas. It does not come with the little folder, but I do have the directions and some charts for you to use.
I know this is not helpful, but have to say, I have known some who have done really well on his diet. So Good Luck!!!! Had to say that because I had a hard time with the plan when my sister and I tried it, way back in the day.
The problem was: You get certain foods on certain cards. I remember the infomercial saying, and when you are done with the cards, you are done eating for the day!!! Like that was a bonus. I would use up my cards too early in the day, because I was hungry.:blush: did you use your purple 'freebie' card??
All salt and sugar free spices/or liquid seasonings on/in your food Alfalfa sprouts Cucumbers Endive Flavoring Extracts Lemon Lettuce raw spinach Watercress and your gray joker (once a day) any of these 1x ea day grapes Rice cake Juice spritzer (1/4 C juice and meneral water) dill pickle fourtune cookie SF frozen juice bar (my fav) veggie snack (2 cherry tomatoes, 2 radishes, 2 celery stalks, and 2 carrots with FF dip (I like Diet Ranch) Diet Herbal tea popcorn chicken or veggie bullon with veggies egg beaters FF mayo cool whip FF cream cheese SF jam pB on celery. I lost 90 lbs back in 1993-1995 on deal a meal but gained it all back when I got pregnant in 1997 and it seems I'v been on a diet rollercoaster ever since I wish I still had the motivation I had back then I felt so healthy when I lost weight on his plan If you stick to it and exersise you will lose the weight the sweatin to the oldie are my favorite videos he's ever came out with maybe I'll dig them out of the garage and start using them again well good luck with the plan hope you enjoy doing it take care.