Hung Chang Oscilloscope Manual

Click to enlarge: Description: Manual: Specs: Condition: Price: Hung Chang 5604 40 mhz read out oscilloscope: User manual Schematics: Specs: Very good. I hope this is the right forum. Need a little help. I have this Protek P3502 (aka Hung Chang 3502) Oscilloscope that has a couple of power. INsTnlıcTıııN mANuAL. 2OMHz Dual Trcıce. This model ıs a dual trace 20MHZ oscilloscope -using high brightness CRT. The vertical amplifiers have high sensitivity of SmV/DlV and the frequency characteristic response with the smooth rolloff exceeding 20MHz.

PPS: when you run the suggested tests above. Now that we're really diving in, whenever you film the trace behaving a particular way, leave the position alone and film the trace for say 10-20 seconds. That will help me see exactly what the trace looks like without any additional effects from the position knob. To set up the scope--- 1. Asta Power Project Crack Codes For Games. Make sure you have the time/div knob set to where you can clearly see the square wave -- it's period should be taking up about 2 of the major divisions on the screen. Set the position and volts/div so that the trace is taking up 1/3 to 1/2 of the screen and showing a normal square wave. Set it to trigger off of INT (internal, ie, trigger off the waveform being displayed) and using the AUTO trigger to make sure the square wave looks 'still' on the screen.
Sorry if you know how to do all this already. I forgot to ask how much you know about using 'scopes. When you film, see if you can reposition the trace and film 20 seconds EACH of: - the trace in the top half where it looks like a normal square wave - the trace on the lower part of the screen where it is all wonky - a position on the screen where the top half of the square wave is ok and the bottom half is wonky (adjust volts/div to have the trace take up the whole screen if you want) I'm hoping this will further verify that the problem is in the vertical amp Y- plate driver circuitry.
Basic Concepts Of Chemistry Malone Pdf Viewer. Lyrics Ave Maria Italian. That'll narrow us down from block to circuit (following the methodology of that troubleshooting manual) After you do these tests I have another test I want us to do, to see if we can get a clearer picture of what the trace looks like and maybe get a sense of what components might be failing. Since the position of the beam on the screen is telling you precisely what the voltages are on the Y+/Y-, X+/X- plates we will take advantage of that to see if we can get any sense of what component(s) might be failing. Ok, so I took the video, but it was kind of hard to do everything that you said, since the scope didnt always respond as expected. But have a look at the video, and then just ask me to take another one if you want more info. I kept it on one position for a few seconds at the end, but did not really have enough time on the clip to do it for each volt/div, but it doesnt make a real difference, since what you see, is where it stays for that 10 or 20 seconds. But I had all the settings as you wanted.
Do you think I should open it up and start measuring some voltages on the vertical amp circuit? Or should I follow the book approach and try and figure it out before opening it up? Thanks again for the help. Fantastic video -- nice work. That actually is superbly informative. I am seeing something very similar to what I was expecting, actually. The square wave displays in the upper half or 1/3rd of the screen and when you position it lower (no matter what volts/div) the trace goes haywire below a certain point.