Ge Sunsmart Digital Timer 15312 Instructions

Save energy, save money and feel secure with the SunSmart™ Digital In-Wall Timer from GE. This state-of-the art timer delivers convenient automation for lamps, seasonal lighting, appliances and electronics while featuring SunSmart™technology that automatically follows sun, adjusting for dusk and dawn in any location. The timer also features a random program function for added security, back-lit LCD screen, seven on/off settings per day, manual override and power outage backup ensuring it is ready at a moment's notice.
Simply set it and forget it. The GE SunSmart™ Digital In-Wall Timer works with CFL, LED and incandescent light bulbs.
We offer you a Quick Reference Guide of GE 15312 Sun Smart Digital Timer: PDF file 275 Kb, 2 pages. On this page you can download this Quick Reference Guide and read. Point Facture Serial Crack Adobe more. 15312 SunSmartTM Digital Timer Programming Instructions NORTH ALASKA HAWAII NORTH CENTRAL. Temporizador Digital SunSmartTM.
Save energy, save money and feel secure with the SunSmart™ Digital In-Wall Timer from GE. This state-of-the art timer delivers convenient automation for lamps, seasonal lighting, appliances and electronics while featuring SunSmart™technology that automatically follows sun, adjusting for dusk and dawn in any location. The timer also features a random program function for added security, back-lit LCD screen, seven on/off settings per day, manual override and power outage backup ensuring it is ready at a moment's notice. Simply set it and forget it. The GE SunSmart™ Digital In-Wall Timer works with CFL, LED and incandescent light bulbs.
I am trying to add a digital timer switch to a 3 way configuration. I got the switch to work with one issue, it only works if the 1st switch in the diagram is in the on position. Please note that the other switch is a standard on off switch. If I turn the that switch off, I cannot turn the lights on from the digital timer. Chemical Process Industry Shreves Download. If I have it on, then the timer works perfectly to control the lights. To make matters a little more interesting, I do not have the more common configuration for 3 way switches.
I have the configuration in the attached diagram where one switch flows through the second junction box to the lights. I am putting the digital timer in the #2 position in the diagram. Can anyone help me to get this working correctly?
Do I just need a second digital switch in the #1 position or am I SOL to get the timer to work with this setup? Attached Images. Welcome to the forums! I am trying to add a digital timer switch to a 3 way configuration.
I got the switch to work with one issue, it only works if the 1st switch in the diagram is in the on position. Please note that the other switch is a standard on off switch. If I turn the that switch off, I cannot turn the lights on from the digital timer.
If I have it on, then the timer works perfectly to control the lights. Kv 331 Keygen Generator. A 3-way switch system will only work if both switches are 3-way switches. To make matters a little more interesting, your diagram shows two 3-way switches while your description says that ome of the switches is 'a standard on off switch. Since you say I am putting the digital timer in the #2 position in the diagram. Do this: In the first switch box - the one labeled #2 in your diagram, splice the two white wires taped black together. Protect that splice with a wire nut and fold it into the back of the box. Terminate the black wire from the ceiling box the the point, or common, terminal on the 3-way digital timer.