File Locker App Free Download For Pc

Folder Protect is a file protection software to password lock folders. Protect drives, extensions, programs, and desktop applications like outlook mail. I once paid $40 dollars for a similar product and this app works even better. Compatible with Windows 10, 8, 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP. Free Software. Folder Password Lock Free is absolutely 100% free software. Octopus Box Samsung Cracked Tv on this page. Trunks Mugen Character Downloads Jdantastic. You can download and use our freeware software to password protect and hide your information. Kithara Dos Enabler Download there.
Folder Lock 7 locks, hides, and password-protects files and folders on your PC, but it also encrypts files and email attachments, takes secure backups, protects USB and CD drives, and makes wallets that can store credit card numbers and other sensitive personal information. It thwarts hackers by logging and acting upon multiple failed log-in attempts, while a hotkey-activated stealth mode keeps out snoops. Folder Lock is free to try for 30 days. Pros Master Password option: In addition to rating Password strength, Folder Lock 7 can ask for the Master Password for the Lock Files feature only, instead of for every feature.