Drivers Gemini First Mix Pro Issues

OK I have managed to work a solution!!! I connected my Gemini Firstmix pro and configured it as normal then opened Cross DJ le and confirmed that the device was recognized. I still couldn't get it to light up but the soundcard portion was working as all my windows sounds were coming through my headphones out on the firstmix. I did ALOT of research and found that it is an issue with Winows system registry preventing the MIDI device (Firstmix pro) from operating correctly.

You can watch this video for the steps to fix it!! Worked for me as I followed the steps and then rebooted my PC and it now works perfectly!!! Posts: 2 Joined: 09 May 2015, 02:00.
I connected my Gemini Firstmix pro and configured it as. The same thing is happening to me with a Mac Book Pro. Gemini First Mix Pro and. Virtual DJ Software, MP3 and Video mix software. VirtualDJ provides instant BPM beat matching, synchronized sampler, scratch, automatic seamless loops and remixing. Rodypolis Shootout Stock Pack Free Download. Jun 15, 2012 - 3 min - Uploaded by thedjpodcastam using gemini firstmix pro cannot get headphone to work ps help. I've set the soundcard as.