Download Google Play Services_lib Jar
Jun 23, 2013. This will download all the required files to your Android SDK install directory. Copy the google-play-services_lib/ folder (the whole folder, not just the.jar) from /extras/google/google_play_services/libproject/google-play-services_lib/ to your lib/ folder in your project. In Android Studio, select. Clone or download Clone. Copy it from android-sdk/extras/google/google_play_services/libproject/google-play-services_lib/libs/google-play-services.jar.

We have fully revamped our Android SDK to support new features released by Google, including the Android Advertising ID. To take advantage of these changes in your application, there are few a steps to follow in order to upgrade from Apsalar's Android SDK 4.X.X to 6.X.X: • Update required libraries: •.
• Remove the previous apsalar.jar file from your application's project libs folder. • Unpack the SDK and add the new apsalar.jar into the libs folder of your Android application's project directory. • To utilize Android's new Advertising ID, you must include Google Play Services API 7.5 or higher. If you haven't added this to your application already,. Here's a quick example of the simplest integration of Google Play Services API: • Download the • Include google_play_service_lib as a dependency in your application's project • Add the following as a child of the element in your manifest file: • Add the following element in your manifest file: android:configChanges=' keyboard keyboardHidden orientation screenLayout uiMode screenSize smallestScreenSize' • Include the android-support-v4.jar and the google-play-services.jar in the build path for your app.
These libraries provide necessary Android classes required for ensuring Google Play calls are properly handled. To implement: • In, right click on your Android application's project and select Android Tools from the left hand menu.
• Select Add Support Library and select the android-support-v4.jar. • Add the google-play-services.jar to your application’s libs directory. The google-play-services.jar can be found under /sdk/extras/google/google_play_services/libproject/google-play-services_lib/libs/google-play-services.jar • In Android Developer Tools, right click the google-play-services.jar and select Add to Build Path. • Update your receiver.
With Apsalar's latest SDK memory leaks with your apps's broadcast receiver can be avoided by unregistering it when your app exits, and the SDK now supports a custom receiver compatible with additional internal or third party receiver needs. To support this change, your existing receiver must be modified; please follow to select and implement the proper receiver for your needs. • Remove the Apsalar Activity. Apsalar no longer requires the com.apsalar.sdk.activity • Checkout new optional features. Apsalar has introduced a few new features to the Android SDK, including heartbeat control. You can read more about these additions. If you have any outstanding questions or concerns regarding the upgrade process, please contact.
This tutorial is not relevant for developers using B4A v6+. More and more services rely on Google Play Services library. For example the following libraries depend on it: AdMob, GoogleMap, Google Play Game Services, Google Analytics and others.
Installing Google Play Services - Open Android SDK Manager and download the latest version: - Copy google-play-services.jar from extras google google_play_services libproject google-play-services_lib libs to the additional libraries folder. Make sure to repeat this step whenever you update Google Play Services. - Some libraries (such as Google Maps) depend on resources that are part of Google Play Services. Mario Wii Iso Torrent. The library tutorial should explicitly mention this requirement. In this case you need to add the following attribute to the main module.
Code: #AdditionalRes: extras google google_play_services libproject google-play-services_lib res, Magic Of The Pendragons Rarity. android.gmsMake sure to update with the correct path. - google-play-services.jar is a large library. It will add about 3mb to the apk size.
It will also slow down the compilation process. You can make the optimized dexer step much quicker by increasing the memory that the dexer can use.
In order to do this you need to close the IDE, go to%APPDATA% Anywhere Software Basic4android in Windows explorer. Edit b4xV5.ini with a text editor and increase the value of MaxRamForDex from 512 to 1024 or more. Download Zoids New Century Zero Full Episode 1 Sub Indo. - #ExcludeClasses - This attribute, which was added in B4A v5.80, allows you to removed classes that are not required from your app. It will make compilation faster and the APK size will be smaller.
Note that the latest version of Google Play Services requires Java 7 (set with Tools - Configure Paths) and requires B4A v3.82+. Hi, I followed this tuto (and seen additional comments on ) but. Still unable ton find the google-play-services.xml file I've been looking everywhere in. Android-sdk extras google google_play_services and this lib doesn't appear in the lib panel (a copy of the.jar is well in my B4A other-lib directory) Where am I wrong?