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About Dopefish What is Dopefish? Dopefish was one of the characters that appeared in Commander Keen, Episode IV back in 1991. All the rest of this 'Dopefish mania' came later.

You can read about it here at, the definitive source of info on everyone's favourite fish! Dopefish is the product of the fertile mind of Tom Hall. It was one of 24 drawings he did of ideas for characters for Commander Keen: Goodbye, Galaxy! While part of id Software. Dopefish was one of the characters from these drawings that made the cut.
According to Tom, 'I just drew this stupid little fish,' and the rest is history. Want to see Tom's original sketches for Dopefish he did in late 1990? It was pointed out to me recently that the Dopefish can predict the future. Well, the original Dopefish sketch referenced above was drawn back in 1990. D16 Sigmund Keygen Music.
Dopefish theologists point out that when the Dopefish was called into being by Tom, it made Tom have a foreshadowing of a future id release, Quake. You want proof?
From the picture. See the Quake logo there? Makes you think, doesn't it?
Especially when Tom was no longer with id Software when they began work on Quake. Dopefish is described in the cast of characters for Secret of the Oracle as the second dumbest creature inthe universe. His thought patterns go, 'swim swim hungry, swim swim hungry.' Dopefish 'will eat anything alive and moving near them, though they prefer heroes.' (What's the most dumbest creature in the universe?
Why, of course, the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal. It's so stupid that it thinks if you can't see it, it can't see you. One way to avoid the BugBlatter Beast is to throw a towel over your head.) Dopefish was 'adopted' by the Tech Support staff at Apogee soon after I came on board.
Then Steve Quarrella came onboard and it balooned from there. Dopefish was my favorite character, and Steve was the resident Keen expert -- Lee provided a few vocal effects and some art. We got hold of some screen capture software and went to town. Dopefish reproduction?!?
One thing that's never really been covered before is how Dopefish reproduce. I got a letter from a guy who did not include his name, but did give me the nickname 'Altruismisdead'. In it he asks this (food for thought). I was curious as to how the dope fish mates? With its thought patterns just being 'swim swim hungry, swim swim hungry' it seems like it doesn't have any time for procreation. And if it does ever mate, how come we have never seen a 'female' Dopefish?
I have devised a sketch composite of what I believe may be a female Dopefish. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Well, Altruis has some interesting theories, but this female Dopefish looks like she's going through PMS or something. Dopefish in Games To date, Dopefish has been involved in three Apogee games: Commander Keen: Goodbye, Galaxy! (as a character), Wacky Wheels (making a secret cameo appearance - See picture below), and Rise of the Triad (as a command line parameter and a secret message). Beyond the appearance of Dopefish in Commander Keen, most everything else Dopefish has appeared in has been a cameo. As I loved Dopefish, when I started working at Apogee, I was always talking about sticking Dopefish in our other games as a gag. As time has gone on and folks who used to work here, and folks who are friends of mine have gone on to other companies, the 'joke' of using Dopefish as a gag cameo character has lived on. This section details appearances of the Dopefish in known games and addons.
Some are user created, some are actual industry creations. Commander Keen This one doesn't require much explanation, as it's the only 'legitimate character use' of Dopefish. If you play Keen 4, you'll find this one.:) Basically, just play the game, and get to the level 'The Well of Wishes'. Keen will be underwater, and his job is to avoid several Dopefi in that level, and make it to the end. That's pretty much it. Dopefish really doesn't do anything in the game other than swim, and try and eat you.