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See Also: • Great head and neck rising up like a howitzer shell from out of his six-button double-breasted, after the manner of the eternal Occupation Zone commandant —Tom Wolfe The man being profiled by Wolfe is Otto Preminger. = top part of flower, hammer, nail, page, pier → m; (of arrow, spear) → f; (of bed) → (→ nt) m; (on beer) → f; (of cane) → m, → m; (of corn) → f; (Archit: of column) → nt; ( of stream, = upper area) → m; (= source) → m; (of abscess etc) → Eiterpfropf m; head of steam/water (= pressure) → Dampf-/Wasserdruck m; at the head of the lake → am des; at the head of the page/stairs → auf der /an der; at the head of the list → auf der; at the head of the table → am, am (ende) des; at the head of the queue (Brit) /army → an der der /des; at the head of the field (in race) → an der des.

Finally, after almost two years, this study/book is completed enough to at least post to the site. I fully expect that as time goes by and more archaeology becomes available, information will be added. This book is 268 LibreOffice/PDF document pages (15 mb - be patient for it to load.
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