Chernyshevsky What Is To Be Done Pdf To Jpg

Contents • • • • • • Biography [ ] The son of a priest, Chernyshevsky was born in in 1828, and stayed there till 1846. He graduated at the local where he learned English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Greek and Old Slavonic. It was there he gained a love of literature. At St Petersburg university he often struggled to warm his room.

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He kept a diary of trivia like the number of tears he shed over a dead friend. It was here that he became an. He was inspired by the works of and.
After graduating from in 1850, he taught literature at a in Saratov. From 1853 to 1862, he lived in, and became the chief editor of ('Contemporary'), in which he published his main literary reviews and his essays on philosophy. In 1862, he was arrested and confined in the, where he wrote his famous novel The novel was an inspiration to many later Russian revolutionaries, who sought to emulate the novel's hero, who was wholly dedicated to the revolution, in his habits and ruthlessly disciplined, to the point of sleeping on a bed of nails and eating only raw steak in order to build strength for the Revolution. Among those who have referenced the novel include Lenin, who wrote a work of. In 1862, Chernyshevsky was sentenced to civil execution (), followed by (1864–72), and by exile to, (1872–83).
He died at the age of 61. Ideas and influence [ ] Chernyshevsky was a founder of, Russian, and agitated for the revolutionary overthrow of the autocracy and the creation of a socialist society based on the old peasant commune. Chernyshevsky's ideas were heavily influenced by,, and. He saw as the means of society's forward movement and advocated for the interests of the working people. In his view, the masses were the chief maker of history. He is reputed to have used the phrase 'the worse the better', to indicate that the worse the social conditions became for the poor, the more inclined they would be to launch a revolution. There are those arguing, in the words of Professor Joseph Frank, that 'Chernyshevsky's novel, far more than Marx's, supplied the emotional dynamic that eventually went to make the Russian Revolution'.
Was enraged by what he saw as the simplicity of the political and psychological ideas expressed in the book, and wrote largely as a reaction against it. Voxengo Glisseq 2 Free Download here. Works about Chernyshevsky [ ] • 's has the protagonist, Fyodor Godunov-Cherdyntsev, study Chernyshevsky and write the critical biography The Life of Chernychevski which represents Chapter Four of the novel. The publication of this work caused a literary scandal. • Paperno, Irina, Chernyshevsky and the Age of Realism: A Study in the Semiotics of Behavior.