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• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Overview of Indian Diaspora? • Indian Diaspora is second largest in the world after China. • About 25 million people spread across 200+ countries. • 5 million of them in gulf region. Nobel Winner Indian Diaspora Name field • Dr. HarGobind Khorana Medicine • S.
Chandrasekhar Physics • Venkatarama Ramakrishnan Chemistry Remittances • Remittance= Indian person working abroad, and sends money back to his family in India. • According to World Bank report, the remittances received by India is higher than China. Microsoft Frontpage 2003 (Italiano). (despite the fact the size of Chinese diospora >>Indian). Country China India Remittances in billion dollars (2012) 66 70 What is Pravasi Bharatiya Divas (PBD)? • Every 9 th January. • Organized by Ministry of Overseas affairs.

• This day is celebrated to mark the contribution of Overseas Indian community in the development of India. • It provides an interaction platform for overseas Indians to address their issues and concerns to Indian Government. Why is PBD celebrated on 9 th January? • Because on 9 th January 1915, Gandhi returned from India from South Africa. • Note: some websites say Gandhi returned on 7 th Jan. But official website of What happens during PBD?
• It is usually a three day event (7 to 9 January). • Delegates from various countries participate in seminars, conferences.

• Speeches made by by PM, President. • Pravasi Bharatiya Samman Awards given to meritorious people. • This convention also helps in “networking” among the overseas Indian community. So they can share their experiences in various fields, make business deals etc. 10 th vs 11 th: Themes, location, chief-guest 10 th (Jan.2012) 11 th (Jan.2013) Location Jaipur Kochi Theme Global Indian: Inclusive Growth Engaging diaspora – the Indian growth story’ Chief guest Kamla Persad Bissessar (PM of Trinidad and Tobago ) Rajkeswur Purryag (President of Mauritius) • About 2,000 Non-Resident Indian delegates from 44 countries participated in the 11 th CBD.
What did PM say? #1: Invest in India • In last four years, Two financial crisis emerged from the developed world. • Between • 2004-10, our GDP growth rate was 8%, but in 2011-12 it has came down to 6.5%. • But we are confident that things will be back on track. • So NRIs, please be partners of India’s growth (=you fellas invest money in India so we can develop).
• We need new approaches to address challenges in infrastructure, education, energy, water and agriculture. Cad Software For Textile Design Free Download. #2: Safety for Indians abroad • Indian expatriate community has developed a more global presence. • And in the process, they’ve also become more vulnerable to economic crises, conflicts, civil unrest or just senseless hate crimes. • We are concerned about the safety and security of overseas Indians. (in individual hate crimes, and in national crisis such as Arab spring, Libya etc.) • We want not just “physical” safety but also social + emotional well-being of Indians living overseas.
Therefore: • We’ve launched an insurance scheme for workers. • We’ve established welfare funds in embassies for distressed Indians. • We’ve created mechanisms to help vulnerable women abroad. Contract Vanzare Cumparare Auto Germania Pdf Editor there. #3: Social security Deals • We’ve signed four new social security agreements with Finland, Canada, Japan, and Sweden, to provide provide exemption from double payment of social security. • Very soon we’ll also sign two more agreements with Austria and Portugal • We’ve also negotiating such agreements with GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) countries.
#4: Ghadar Stamp • We’ve launched this Rs.5 Ghadar Stamp • We’ll upgrade of the Ghadar memorial in San Francisco into a functional museum and library • We’ll also install a sculpture in that memorial, to honour Ghadar patriots. Ghadar Movement stamp released • In 1913, the Punjabis in USA and Canada founded Ghadar Party to liberate India from the British rule. • Prominent leaders of Gadar Party= Sohan Singh Bhakna and Kartar Singh Sarabha. • 2013 = 100 years passed since formation of Gadar Party. • Therefore, Mohan released a five rupee stamp during Pravasi Bharatiya Divas to commemorate the Ghadar Movement Centenary Criticism • Image on the postal stamp shows a few hands with torches.
• Scholars feel this image doesn’t relate to the Ghadar movement; the stamp should have been more specific. What did President Pranab say? To attract Overseas Indians to invest in India, we’ve • Allowed QFI to Invest in Indian Capital market. • Foreign Currency Non Resident account Banks (FCNR) scheme. To help Overseas Indians easily travel in India, we’ve • Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) cards • Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) cards What did Purryag say?